Born in the Chi, grew up in Cali, and raised in VA, nothing has nor will it ever not be extra sauce with this one. Have you ever tried to control glitter? Growing up as a little black girl in America, she experienced much more than her years on Earth. 

She knows trauma, brokenness, depression, pain, sadness, hurt, betrayal, lies, suicide, abandonment, therapy, sitting with a licensed professional, doing the work, failure, breakdowns, forgiveness, reconciliation, and oh yeah her favorite, healing.

When she’s not being a #HealLeader, she leads a professional career as a Senior Project Manager; governing IT portfolio projects; balancing effective communication with technical intellect.

But to be honest, she's probably just recording another #DanceTRPY video, cooking a bomb 5-star meal and minding her #MentalBusiness.

She speaks her own special way and has aspirations of being a middle aged rapper dropping an album by 2052. Dropping a few of her favorites lines here:

"I don't cry, I create." | "I don't fold, I'm not laundry." | "I'm glitter."

BOMB MAC & CHEESE | Blesses your soul; Is several cheeses mixed together, knows what it's doing and don't need no hype. It's the drip and the faucet; and when that yam juice hits It..IT MAKES #BLACKGOLD

It's Time To HEAL!